Marketers go where the attention is — and that means social media. Over 4.59 billion people on this earth have a social media account. It’s the easiest way to get people to know who you are, and most businesspeople know that. But social media isn’t the whole meal. It’s part of a balanced diet. I talked to several people recently who seemed Continue Reading...
How Plumbers and Presidents Build Trust
“What you call love was invented by guys like me … to sell nylons.” So said Don Draper, the most famous (fictional) adman in the world. Millions of people tuned into Mad Men every week, and it shaped public consciousness about how advertising worked. But Don Draper would have needed to adjust his approach if he lived in the 21st Continue Reading...
The Long and Short of Content Curation
Keeping up with your engagement channels can be overwhelming. You have to worry about your own website, podcast, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, Instagram … the list goes on and on. Each social media channel has its own flavor and its own audience, and you can’t just publish the same content across the board. The solution to the problem Continue Reading...
“Hi” Now, Sell Later
Most musicians are bad marketers. As a musician and music fanatic myself, I’m signed up for updates from a lot of artists. That means I should get a lot of emails. I don’t. Most of the time, the only emails I get from bands are concert tour announcements. There’s no conversation. It’s solely used for sales. And music isn’t the only field Continue Reading...
Audience Attention Starts with Space
The most valuable design lesson I ever learned came at a study party in college. As I was wearing out my yellow highlighter on my history textbook, one of my friends walked past the spot where I was sprawled on the carpet and stopped me. “You’re highlighting too much,” he said. “If everything is important, nothing is.” I’ve never forgotten Continue Reading...
Control Your Content, Control Your Destiny
Remember Vine? Second Life? Google+? These platforms were powerful. They grabbed media attention and attracted large audiences. And it wasn’t just users that invested in these — companies plowed money into them. People built audiences there. And then they disappeared. If your web presence lived on one of those platforms, your audience died Continue Reading...
AI Content Google Won’t Hate
Artificial Intelligence (AI) content is becoming common on the Internet today. These tools can now generate readable content that can trick both human marketers and search engines. When I was researching for this article, I was actually surprised to see how much AI content had improved; some of the new AI writers are shockingly good. I’ve Continue Reading...
Sustain Success with Sticky Content
Do people keep coming back to your content? Good content marketers create useful content. But they have another responsibility: driving return traffic. If people are only looking at your content once, you’re not creating traffic that builds business. Good content marketing creates resources that people come back to again and again — Continue Reading...
Should Mobile Come First?
Mobile is here to stay. Almost 80% of the worldwide population has a smartphone. Across the globe, people are using them to browse the web, check their emails and engage with apps. That makes mobile trendy — and it’s easy to get caught up in the fervor. Does every website have to be mobile first? Why Make Your Website Mobile-First? There Continue Reading...
Want More Opens? Strengthen Your Subject Line
“Don’t judge a book by its cover,” my mother used to tell me. I did anyway. Most people do. We’re drowned by so much information that we make snap judgments on what to engage in. Did it grab your attention right away? No? Too bad, keep moving. It’s harder to get attention now than ever before, mainly because so much is trying to take it. The Continue Reading...
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