“That’s about 92% of the way there,” my voice teacher said. I had been offered the chance to sing a solo in an oratorio. My voice teacher and I had been working on the piece for months. Two weeks before the performance, he leaned back in his chair, skewered me with his eyes and told me exactly what he thought. “That’s not necessarily a Continue Reading...
The Autoresponder: Email that Stays Evergreen
There is a tool that lets you build content once and reap the benefits over and over. There is a tool that helps you be fresh and new each time a prospect engages. There is a tool that automates the grind so you can focus on other areas of your business. And you probably have access to it already. It’s an autoresponder sequence. An Continue Reading...
Your Audience Starts With You
So … you want to start a company. You have to do a lot of legwork before you get started. You know what you’re going to sell. You’ve planned it all out. Just one problem: who are you going to sell to? There are three major sources of insight to consider when you start building your audience: yourself, your community and your Continue Reading...
Make Yourself Memorable
There’s way too much content that looks the same. A friend of mine who runs an agency has been using AI for some time to help with blog posts. I’ve seen the work it puts together. That AI generates predictive text based on the Internet content it’s seen before, but the average content writer is doing the same thing. You get similar points, Continue Reading...
Get Invited In
Ads have been a part of the Internet since the beginning. And users have been trying to find a way around them for just as long. These days advertising is part of everything. Pre-roll ads on YouTube are getting longer and longer, and paid placements and promoted posts are clogging the feed. Users are rebelling. Almost half of all Internet Continue Reading...
Choose Your Cornerstone
Content isn’t what it used to be. Time was when you could create a simple blog with keyword research and build search visibility easily. It’s not that simple anymore. As SEO has gotten more competitive, the number of channels you can use to generate visibility has grown. Cornerstone content comes in a lot more formats today— it’s not just Continue Reading...
You Are What You Tweet
“You are what you eat” doesn’t just apply to your physical diet. It applies to content marketing too. Two recently released reports (from Facebook and SEMRush respectively) are shedding some light on just that. Meta’s Widely Viewed Content Report shows what people consumed the most on Facebook during Q4 2021, and the SEMRush Top 100 does the Continue Reading...
Structure an Email Story that Sells
Last week we shared the FOUR types of stories you can tell to create truly effective marketing emails. That’s critical. But it’s just as critical to understand the structure of a story-based email. People have an intuitive grasp of what a good story feels like, but they don’t necessarily know how to break it down. Story structure is a critical Continue Reading...
The FOUR Effective Email Stories
“All marketers are storytellers,” said Seth Godin in All Marketers are Liars. He’s right. Marketing is about telling a story your audience wants to hear. And nowhere is that more important than in your emails. You can’t lean on the hard sell. You have to offer content that matters. As marketer Terry Dean notes, “Please understand. I’m not Continue Reading...
How a QR Code Won the Big Game
I was watching the Super Bowl at a friend’s house (for the commercials, of course — the Packers didn’t make it this year.) And suddenly, in between the game and the standard blockbuster ads, I saw … this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zLsUhOCqyU Of course I had to get up and scan it. Why wouldn’t I? The code took you to a Coinbase page. Continue Reading...
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